Music can block external sounds, including snoring partners, noisy neighbors, and road traffic. Relaxing music that unfolds at 60 beats per minute matches your sleeping heart rate, encouraging the body […]
Why Do My Sheets Smell Bad After Washing?
We all like a bed with clean, fresh-smelling sheets. Unfortunately, our bed sheets can smell, even when no one has ever slept on them. Sheets that smell bad after being […]
Should I Take My Earrings Out When I Sleep? (New + Old Earrings)
Many of us are unsure if we should remove earrings before bed. Some people don’t remove their earrings at bedtime, while others would never wear jewelry to bed. Is there […]
Why Do You Not Hear Yourself Snoring?
If a bed partner complains about your snoring, you may wonder how loud it can get and why it never wakes you up. People who snore often believe they sleep […]
Is It Safe To Have A Hot Water Tank in The Bedroom?
While the bedroom will never be ideal for a hot water tank, you may have no choice about where it’s installed. You can keep a hot water tank in a […]
Why Do I Sleep with My Arms Up in The Air? (Starfish Position)
Sleeping with your arms above your head is comfortable for some, but not others. Back sleepers are likelier to adopt the starfish position due to breathing and respiratory difficulties. Back […]