Feeling sleepy around your girlfriend or boyfriend is common, especially if you’ve fallen in love. This feeling of sleepiness doesn’t necessarily mean you find them dull or uninteresting. When we’re […]
Why Can’t I Sleep without Hugging a Pillow?
We’re most honest when we sleep because we aren’t consciously hiding our actions. Therefore, we choose the sleeping position we feel most comfortable with mentally and physically. For most people, […]
Does Cuddling Help You Sleep?
Sharing a bed and cuddling are usually reserved for romantic partners, so it makes sense that they may coincide. Many people find that cuddling at bedtime improves sleep quality. Cuddling […]
9 Tips When You Can’t Sleep After A Relationship Break Up
Time heals a broken heart, but it’s difficult to heal when you can’t even get a good night’s sleep. According to psychologists, we should resist becoming too introspective after a […]
What To Do If You Can’t Sleep After A Fight with Your Partner
Late-night fights with a partner are near-inevitable. In today’s fast-paced world, we’re exhausted, sleep-deprived, and irritable by bedtime. One ill-advised comment can turn into a full-scale argument. A study published […]
Is It Important for Couples To Go To Bed At The Same Time?
After about 10-12 years, many relationships end due to losing connection and intimacy. Not sleeping together creates feelings of loneliness and emotional and physical detachment. According to the Archives of […]